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Search Link Format

Only for iTunes / Music links

Matt Mustarde avatar
Written by Matt Mustarde
Updated over a week ago

What is the Search Link Format?

This is a programmatic method for building links. Learn about the the differences between manual and programmatic links here.

The Search link format is typically the best route for your Genius Link integration when you:

  • Are building a link to iTunes music (for now, this feature is only available for iTunes and music)

  • Are just getting started (you don't have an existing website full of affiliate links)

  • Don't have a specific product URL in mind

  • Do have some information or meta data about the item you wish to link to

In addition to being an easy link to build, this linking style offers another significant benefit: if iTunes changes the ID of the product you link to, your link will not break and you will not have to update it.

The currently supported parameters include:

For each of the examples below, you would replace the "yourTSIDhere" string below with your own TSID value. Find your unique TSID value on the Groups page in the Genius Link Dashboard.

1: A link to download the Pearl Jam song "Jeremy," from the album "Ten" in iTunes:

2: A link to the artist page for "Lady Gaga" in iTunes:
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