The Facebook Pixel allows you to create Custom Audiences to retarget people who click on your pixeled links. This means that you can create more targeted campaigns around the items you're promoting by advertising directly to parties who were previously interested in the same, or similar products.
For example - If you promote Game of Thrones Season 1 on iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play through a link, you could pixel that link and create an audience for anyone who clicks. Then, as new seasons become available to stream, you could use that Custom Audience to specifically target users who previously clicked on the first season. This gives you the advantage of only advertising to people who have already shown interest in your promotions, leading to a higher chance of a repeat purchase.
Note: For Custom Audience pixels, you'll need to create the link first, then note what the URL is (i.e. You'll be required to add that URL into your Custom Audience pixel setup.
How to create a Facebook Custom Audience from your pixel links.
1. Once you have added your pixel to your links, it is now time to create a custom audience. Return to Events Manager, but this time click the green "create" button in the top left corner of the screen.
1.5: If you have multiple Ad Accounts select the one you'd like to use for your custom audience and click "Next"
4. On the next screen, choose "People who visit specific web pages."
β5. For the field "URL contains" insert your link URL that you want to track.
βNote: If you want to track all links that you create with the same pixel, you can simply use "" instead of an individual link.
6. Be sure to give your Audience a name, then click Create Audience.
That's it! Now as people click on your link, they will be automatically added to this Custom Audience so you can retarget them later on.